Crown Council

Decorative gold crown with jewels and pearls

The Crown Council is the chief advisory body to The Queen

The Crown Council is the Kingdom of Navassa’s chief advisory and consultative body, providing expert counsel to the Sovereign on a wide range of state affairs. The Crown Council ensures that legislative and executive priorities are harmonized under the ultimate authority of the Sovereign.

Throughout history, an advisory council has guided a Sovereign’s governance. The Crown Council continues that tradition while taking on expanded responsibilities, including direct consultation on legislation and ensuring good governance of government officials.

Membership and Composition

  • Crown Counsellors: Appointed at the Sovereign’s pleasure, Counsellors may include members of the Royal Family and Court, former government officials, legal scholars, economists, and other experts in key domains.

  • Sovereign as Chair: The reigning Sovereign is, by default, the Chair of the Crown Council. However, they may appoint a President of the Council to serve in their capacity.

Roles and Responsibilities

Advisory Function

  • The Crown Council reviews or submits proposals for new legislation and provides the Sovereign with thorough analysis and recommendations.

  • As the principal consultative forum, it offers guidance on matters such as national policies and economic development.

    Consultative Committees

  • The Crown Council or designated committees may conduct inquiries, hold formal hearings, and present reasoned opinions on issues critical to the public welfare.

  • Specialized committees can be established or dissolved at the Sovereign’s discretion to address emerging challenges.

    Checks and Oversight

  • The Crown Council can summon government secretaries, officers, and agents to explain their actions and performance, enhancing transparency and accountability.

  • With express permission from the Sovereign, a designated Council committee may conduct impeachment proceedings against Agents, Officers, and Secretaries of the Crown, subject to final confirmation by the Sovereign.

Crown Council in Practice

  • Regular Assemblies: Convened at the Sovereign’s pleasure to discuss national developments and strategic plans.

  • Public Reporting: Non-confidential updates are shared with the wider public to highlight the Council’s recommendations and progress.

  • Coordination with the High Court: The Crown Council functions separately from the High Court of Navassa, which maintains judicial oversight in interpreting the Constitution and adjudicating disputes.

  • Decree-Laws: Royal Decree-Laws are published, usually after consultation with the Crown Council.

While the Crown Council’s remit is broad—encompassing legislative initiatives, executive oversight, and policy integration—the Sovereign ultimately holds the final decision-making authority. This balance ensures that the Kingdom’s traditions and continuity remain intact while also benefiting from a modern, multifaceted advisory structure.