Crown Procurement Ethical Standards Act of 2025
Royal Decree-Law No. VIII-2025-03
The Crown Procurement Ethical Standards Act of 2025
Assented under the Authority of Her Majesty Marie-Adélina the First, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Navassa
WHEREAS the Kingdom recognizes the importance of ethical governance and economic responsibility;
WHEREAS the Kingdom is committed to upholding human rights, dignity, and the protection of all peoples regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity;
WHEREAS the Kingdom acknowledges the potential harm caused by economic support of entities that promote or sponsor hatred and discrimination;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it enacted by the legislative authority of the Kingdom as follows:
Article I – Short Title
This Act shall be known as the Crown Procurement Ethical Standards Act.
Article II – Definitions
"The Crown" refers to the sovereign and governing institutions of the Kingdom, including all ministries, agencies, and public enterprises.
"Micronation" refers to any self-declared entity that claims independence.
"Macronation" refers to any internationally recognized sovereign state.
"Business Entity" refers to any commercial enterprise, corporation, company, or other legal entity engaged in trade or commerce.
"Nonessential Goods" refer to goods that are not critical to government services or security functioning.
"Promoting and Sponsoring Hatred" refers to any activity, policy, or affiliation that directly or indirectly supports discrimination, violence, or systemic oppression of racial, ethnic, religious, sexual, or gender groups.
Article III – Prohibition on Procurement
The Crown is prohibited from entering into contracts or procuring nonessential goods from: a. Any micronation that, through policy or practice, promotes, supports, or sponsors hatred or discrimination against any racial, ethnic, religious, sexual, or gender minority groups. b. Any business entity based in a macronation that has a documented history of sponsoring or promoting hatred, discrimination, or systemic oppression of such minority groups.
The prohibition extends to all direct and indirect procurement, including contracts, partnerships, subsidies, grants, and any other form of financial transaction.
Article IV – Exceptions
Essential goods necessary for government, security, or emergency response functioning may be exempted from this prohibition if no viable alternative exists.
Transactions and procurement of goods from a sub-macronational entity, territory, state, or region that actively defends minority groups despite national policies shall be permitted, provided that such entities can demonstrate a commitment to protecting human rights and non-discrimination principles.
Article V – Enforcement and Penalties
The Ethics and Procurement Board, a committee of the Crown Council, shall determine whether a contract aligns with the Kingdom’s ethical procurement policies.
Any Crown secretary, agent, or official found in violation of this Act shall be subject to disciplinary action, including potential termination of contracts and penalties.
Businesses found to have misrepresented their affiliations or ethical standing to secure contracts with the Crown shall be barred from future procurement opportunities for a period of no less than five (5) years.
Article VI – Transparency and Reporting
The Procurement Oversight Office shall publish an annual report detailing all procurement activities and any waivers granted under Article IV.
A publicly accessible database listing prohibited entities shall be maintained and updated regularly based on documented evidence and expert review.
Article VII – Implementation and Review
This Act shall take effect immediately upon enactment.
A review shall be conducted every three (3) years to assess its effectiveness and determine any necessary amendments.
This Act shall apply solely within the jurisdiction of the Kingdom and shall not override any applicable laws or regulations of other jurisdictions where procurement activities may take place.